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About Implant Restoration Dentistry

Dental implants constitute the most significant advance in dentistry in the last 40 years. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, three million people in the U.S. have implants and that number is growing by 500,000 a year.

Dental implants are similar to traditional crowns, in which the root of a damaged tooth is capped. In the case where there is insufficient natural tooth area to support a crown, an artificial root can be implanted to anchor the crown.

The use of implants allows replacement of problem teeth with strong and beautiful artificial teeth that look natural and function as well as real teeth. Implants area also resistant to cavities.

smiling senior couple

What to Expect

Dental implants require several visits. After your consultation, you meet with a surgery specialist to ensure you get the very best results. The surgeon will place the titanium post of the implant into your gums. This is the part of the implant that replaces the root of your tooth. To function like the root of your tooth, it needs to bond to your jawbone through a process called osseointegration. Unfortunately, there is no short-cut for this process and it can take anywhere from 3-6 months.

Fit and Ongoing Care

In the final stage, Dr. Kirol, will create and fit you with a new replacement tooth or crown (this is the part of the implant that is visible. It is custom made to match the color and size of your natural teeth) to go on top of the implant. The crown will be connected to the implant with something called an abutment (this is the connector which is placed on the top of the dental implant and connects the implant to the replacement tooth). A couple of visits may be required to make sure the crown is fitting perfectly as your gums heal. Once the crown is securely attached, the implant will provide excellent stability, comfort, and long-lasting results.

We will provide you with ongoing care instructions. As long as you continue to practice good oral hygiene, eating habits, and have regular dental check-ups, your implants should last a lifetime.

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