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In-House Dental Membership Plan

Membership benefits include:


New Patient/Comprehensive Exam – 100%
Periodic Exam (two/year) – 100%
Emergency Exam (one/year) – 100%


Bitewing X-Rays (one set/year) – 100%
Peri-apical X-Rays (2 PAs/year) – 100%
Panoramic X-Ray (one every 5yrs) – 100%

Preventive Care

Adult Cleanings (two/year) Above Age 13 – 100%
Child Cleanings (two/year) Up to Age 13 – 100%
Fluoride (two/year) Up to Age 19 – 100%
Sealants Up to Age 13 – 100%

Everything Else

Fillings, Crowns/Bridges, Root Canals, Extractions, Dentures/Partials/Lab Work, Implant Restorations, Teeth Whitening, Cosmetic Dentistry, Deep Cleaning/Scaling

Planning a Carolina Smile Design visit?

Download our patient forms ahead of your appointment.

laughing family of three

Membership Dues

  • Adult Member (14 years and up) – $400
  • Adult Perio Member- $550 (up to 4 cleanings a year)
  • Child Member – $400 Child (13 years or under at date of sign up)

Terms and Limitations of the Plan

  • Family members cannot be substituted in for another family member.
  • Your effective date is the day you sign up and your renewal date is 365 days from the sign up date.
  • Cleanings must be performed before the end of the coverage date.
  • This is a dental discount membership plan NOT dental insurance-cannot be combined with insurance.
  • Payment is due at time of service for any work not covered at 100%
  • Rates are subject to change annually.
  • Membership dues are non-refundable.
  • Membership discounts are only valid at Carolinas Smile Design, LLC
  • Discount applies to services not products.
  • Cancellation fee < 24 hour notice.

Request an Appointment

  • I understand that Protected Health Information (PHI) or sensitive information should not be included in this message.