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Clear Braces

Thankfully, gone are the days of ugly metal on your teeth. Now you can just stick a clear tray on your teeth and have a straight smile before you know it! People of all ages breathe a sigh of relief at this news. Now, when you go with clear braces, there is no need to be self-conscious. We are happy to report that we now carry these braces. They are called ClearCorrect.

ClearCorrect works just like any other form of braces. It applies pressure that moves the teeth over time and reshapes the supporting bone. If you came in wanting these clear braces, we would first capture the shape of your teeth by taking impressions or scans. We would then prescribe how the teeth should be straightened and submit the case to ClearCorrect. Based on our prescription, ClearCorrect creates a series of virtual models of your teeth. These models progress from your original smile to a straight end result. These models are then printed on a 3d printer and used to create clear plastic trays, which will be your aligners.

Once you get your aligners, it is your job to wear them day-in and day-out (except when eating and teeth-brushing.) One of the best things about ClearCorrect is that no one can tell you are even wearing them. This is quite a change from the metal alternative!

So how does it work exactly? Well, each tooth is surrounded by a periodontal ligament. This ligament is surrounded by fluid and tiny fibers that connect the teeth to the surrounding bone. As soon as the aligner is put on, it immediately starts applying pressure to the targeted teeth. The fluid in the periodontal ligaments prevent the tooth from moving at first but within a few seconds the fluid is expressed from the area and the tooth moves to its new position. The ligament is only about a quarter of a millimeter thick, so that is why the teeth can only move a small distance at a time.

The pressure from the aligner compresses the blood vessels on one side of the ligament and dilates them on the other. After four to six hours of sustained pressure, the compressed ligament responds to this stress by producing enzymes and chemical messengers. After a day or two of pressure, those chemicals begin to stimulate the production of bone cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Osteoclasts break down the bone near the compressed ligament. Meanwhile, osteoblasts build new bone on the opposite side of the tooth, preventing it from becoming too loose.

If the pressure of the aligners is halted for too long, the process has to start all over again. That’s why it’s crucial to wear the aligners at least 22 hours per day – especially for the first few days of a new tray. If the bone doesn’t get reshaped, the teeth won’t stay straight when the bone around the tooth finishes rebuilding.

The time it takes to move from one tray to the next varies depending on the individual. It typically takes longer for adults than it does for children and adolescents. With ClearCorrect, you will have a straight smile you love in no time! If you are interested in ClearCorrect, make an appointment with us today!