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Highly Qualified Staff

Dr. Ann Kirol

Dr. Ann Kirol


Dr. Ann Kirol grew up in Richmond, Virginia and attended the University of Maryland, College Park for undergraduate studies. She graduated in 1998 from the Medical College of Virginia, School of Dentistry. Following graduation, she completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry Residency at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. She moved to the Charlotte area in 1999 where she began her practice in general dentistry. She received the Fellowship Award in the Academy of General Dentistry in 2003 and maintains a strong commitment to continuing education in dentistry. She is a member of the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, International Team for Implantology Study, and the South Charlotte Study Club.

Dr. Kirol is passionate about service to the community and promoting quality health care to the public. She served on the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) Board of Directors in South Carolina as the 5th District Representative from 2011-2017. During her tenure, she served as Board Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Board. She also served on the South Carolina State Health Planning Commission. Dr. Kirol takes an active role in her local community with past service on the York County Arts Council and membership in the local Chamber of Commerce.

With over 20 years of private practice experience, she enjoys all aspects of dentistry, including: cosmetic, implants, oral surgery, full mouth reconstruction, TMJ pain, crowns, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, and periodontics.

Dr. Kirol enjoys spending time with her two sons and being involved in their activities. Her hobbies include exercise, travel, music, art galleries, and reading.



Dental Hygienist

Andrea is a native of York County, and resides in Rock Hill. She graduated from York High School. Following high school, she graduated from York Technical College in 2002 with an associate degree in dental hygiene and is nitrous oxide certified. She has worked with Dr. Ann Kirol for 12 years as a hygienist.

Andrea has a love of people and enjoys providing a much needed service to our wonderful patients. She also enjoys the educational process of her job and understands the importance of explaining and assisting our patients as partners in their dental health.

Andrea is married with 3 children. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family and her 3 dogs. She also loves reading, hiking, camping, exercising, and being in the great outdoors!



Office Manager

Lisa was born in a small city north of Detroit, Michigan. She moved to South Carolina in June of 2005. She has been a dental assistant since 1993. Her training for assisting came from Oakland Technical Center in Royal Oak, Michigan. She enjoys many areas of dentistry and makes every effort to learn how to do multiple things within the office. She has been with Dr. Kirol since April of 2007. She loves comforting and helping patients find reasons to smile again.

Lisa and her husband, Jeff, live in Rock Hill. They have six daughters and three grandsons (so far). They also have three dogs. Scrappy is a Chiweenie mix, Leia and Han Solo are purebred Yorkshire Terriers. In her free time she enjoys her Mary Kay business, spending time with her family, and helping with her daughters in marching band and girls on the run.

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