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Why Clear Aligners?

To correct malocclusion, a growing number of patients and doctors prefer clear aligners to traditional wires and brackets, due to advantages such as:

  • Nearly-invisible appliances
  • No dietary restrictions
  • No obstructions to flossing or brushing
  • Controlled single-tooth movement
  • Remote monitoring options
clear aligners

Benefits of ClearCorrect™

  • Invisible – As opposed to metal braces, no one will notice you are wearing these!
  • Removable – These aligners are incredibly easy to remove, so you can eat with ease!
  • Made in America – ClearCorrect has been making their aligners in Texas since 2006.

What to Expect

If we deem clear aligners a good option for you, we will take photos and x-rays, use a scanner or impressions to capture the shape of your teeth, and submit your prescription to ClearCorrect.

We’ll make a series of aligners customized to apply pressure to the teeth you want to move. We will check your progress periodically and give you new sets of aligners. You’ll need to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours per day, every day, progressing through each step until your treatment is done.

Request an Appointment

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