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Dental Financial and Insurance in Rock Hill, SC

Carolina Smile Design offers affordable dental financing and insurance options for patients in Rock Hill, SC. We understand that paying for dental care can be stressful, which is why we offer a variety of payment options to fit your budget. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality dental care. Our goal is to make our services affordable and accessible for all patients. We offer competitive pricing and transparent billing practices so you know what to expect before your treatment begins. Our team will collaborate with you to ensure you receive the necessary care for a healthy smile.

father and son laughing

Financing Options for Affordable Dental Care

We accept most major dental insurance plans at our dental clinic. Our experienced staff will help determine your plan’s coverage and benefits, assisting you by filing your insurance claims and providing an estimate of your dental benefits. For those without dental insurance, we offer an in-house dental plan that includes flexible payment plans for more extensive treatments. Payment is expected in full at the time of treatment. The various payment options we offer include:

  • Cash or check
  • Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
  • Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) or health savings accounts (HSAs)
  • Third-party financing through CareCredit

Receive the Dental Treatments You Need

Our practice is dedicated to making top-notch dental care as accessible as possible. That’s why we offer a variety of payment options, including most major credit cards, personal checks, and even Care Credit. We are also on hand to assist you with insurance claims and paperwork, helping you get the most from your traditional insurance plan. Patients seeking comprehensive treatments without insurance can explore our flexible financing alternatives. With transparent cost estimates and payment plans, we remove financial barriers to essential dental care. Reach out today to book your next dental appointment and achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

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