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Your Rock Hill Family Dentist

Committed to quality, comprehensive dental care for the entire family.

Founded by Dr. Ann Kirol, Carolina Smile Design offers quality dental care focused on providing a unique, relaxing and enjoyable experience for all patients. We offer extensive preventive, restorative and cosmetic oral care while specializing in teeth whitening, veneers, same-day crowns, dental implants, DIAGNOdent, TMJ mouthguards and athletic mouthguards.

smiling man

A Relaxing Patient Experience

Dr. Kirol has designed a peaceful, relaxing patient experience that aims at relieving patient fears and dental anxieties. Our practice offers patient massage chairs, a living room style waiting room and soothing artwork to promote a calming environment for our patients. If you suffer from dental anxiety, we look forward to surprising you with a relaxing, stress-free dental visit at Carolina Smile Design.

Our Commitment to Quality Care

At Carolina Smile Design we are deeply committed to providing the very best in quality care to our patients. We live and serve in Rock Hill and we love to support our community. We look forward to seeing you in the office soon for a comfortable, relaxing visit!

Request an Appointment

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