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Quality Dental Care in Rock Hill, SC

Creating Bright, Healthy Smiles

Carolina Smile Design provides comprehensive dental care in Rock Hill, SC, to help our patients achieve a healthy and confident smile. Our experienced team offers personalized treatments tailored to your unique needs and goals. We utilize the latest technology and techniques to ensure safe, effective results for a range of dental issues. From routine cleanings to advanced restorative procedures, we are dedicated to helping you maintain optimal oral health and achieve a radiant smile. Schedule an appointment with us today to get the dental care you need and deserve.

smiling middle aged couple

Comprehensive Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry

We provide a wide range of dental services meticulously designed to cater to all facets of your oral health needs. You can rely on our committed team of experienced professionals who are passionately dedicated to staying updated on the latest advancements in dentistry. This ensures that you receive outstanding care and benefit from state-of-the-art treatments to safeguard your dental health for the long term. Some of our services include:

Personalized Care for Every Patient

We take a personalized approach to each of our patients, taking the time to understand your concerns and goals before recommending a treatment plan. We aim to provide you with the best possible care and help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile you can be proud of. From our dentists to our hygienists and support staff, we strive to provide exceptional care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Our team is committed to helping you feel at ease during your visit and providing you with the highest quality of care possible.

New Patients

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Prioritizing Patient Satisfaction

We are committed to ensuring that every patient leaves our practice feeling heard, valued, and satisfied with their dental care experience. We take the time to listen to your feedback and continuously improve our services to better meet your needs. Our goal is for every patient to feel confident and comfortable in their smile, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve that through personalized care and exceptional service. From your first phone call to our office to the completion of your treatment, we strive to make your experience with us as positive and stress-free as possible. Schedule an appointment with us today and take the first step towards a healthier smile.

Carolina Smile Design

1721 Ebenezer Rd #105
Rock Hill, SC 29732


Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

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